transcosmos r&d assists with development, design, and logistics to help grow your brand. Their Shopify team is based in Tokyo but their parent company has branches in 29 countries. Their engineers can build custom apps or integrations to optimize store operations and their UI/UX team can help ensure a store with high conversion and a strong brand image.弊社は世界29か国にあるグループ会社と協働して、Shopifyショップのデザインから開発、物流に至るまでブランドの成長のあらゆる場面でサポートします。エンジニアチームはECショップと店舗にまたがる複雑な作業の最適化を実現し、デザインチームは御社のブランドをユーザーに印象付け、高い成約率を達成します。
transcosmos research & development はチャイナフィーの公式代理店パートナーである。
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Fill out the form and one of our Chinafy team members will reach out to you within 1 business day to book an initial call or with a plan for next steps.
check30%-40% faster compared to using a CDN alone.
checkVerifiable results in just 2 weeks, instead of 1-2 years.
checkLittle to no action required from your IT teams.